Company Club Cricket4KIDS
Give a CHILD the possibility to participate in Cricket4KIDS FOR FREE!
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Cricket4KIDS for free for a child!
Would you, as a company, like to be involved in social corporation and would you like to get more children moving via cricket, please join the Company Club Cricket4KIDS to give children the chance to participate in Cricket4KIDS events FOR FREE.
Through your contribution to the Cricket4KIDs Company Club we can offer large groups of young children, who are not familiar with cricket, a Cricket4KIDs event. Those children will then get a chance to have a ‘taste’ of how much fun cricket can be. By offering these events for free the threshold for participation will be lowered significantly. Children who already play cricket will get the chance to practise their favourite sport more often.
Cricket4KIDS is an approachable exercise programme, based on the core values of the cricket sport: meeting and making new friends, having a lot of fun together, no losers, just winners! Fun, playing and working together are more important than the sport itself, achieving and winning. All activities are aimed at a Broad Physical Development of a child, in which the basic movements are central and children will learn about cricket at the same time. It is a versatile programme based on multiple exercises topped by a cricket sauce.
Noting the major importance for society, with this contribution companies will add to a healthy lifestyle with children moving more and in more versatile way.
Through Cricket4KIDS the cricket sport will be brought to the attention of young children as well as their parents. In this way cricket will become a more widely known sport, which can lead to more (youth) participants in Dutch cricket.
Together we will give more children a chance to learn more about cricket!
Would you, as a company, like to add to bigger entrepreneurship in society and attach yourself to the Company Club for Cricket4KIDS, and contribute towards this good cause?
For only €250,00 twenty children can take part in a Cricket4KIDS event for free!
We will inform you about where and when children will take part in Cricket4KIDS events, so you will be able to see where your contribution is being used for.
Would you like to participate and contribute towards giving children a chance to learn about cricket FOR FREE, let us know via
Companies in the Cricket4KIDS Company Club will be appreciated in the possible following ways:
Possible ways of appreciation:
- Attribution of friends names on the Cricket4KIDS website
- Invitation to and sharing the experience of a Cricket4KIDS event
- Mentioning the company’s name when promoting a Cricket4KIDS event
- Possibility to use promotional materials like banners at a Cricket4KIDS event
Join in and give a child a chance to learn about cricket!
Would you also like to play cricket?
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Looking for a cricket clinic? Send an e-mail to for the possibilities!